Home to a trident of sister rivers, The Padma, Meghna & Jamuna – Bangladesh is the beating gut of the Ganges delta. Situated at the eastern base of The “Twin Sister” mountain ranges more popularly known as The Himalayas & Meghalayas, we are preceded by the Ganges basin and her floodplains. To the south, Sea-walled by a mangrove forest that the world traveler knows simply as the Sundarbans, lined by a coastline that is also the longest unbroken beach in the world: our delta dreamscape eventually drains into the Bay of Bengal.

Sigma has been coupled with the socio-economic development of Bangladesh since her adolescence.

As the nation braces itself for up-coming graduation from the UN’s list of Least Developed Countries (LDC) by the 4th quarter of 2026, Sigma is proud to be entrenched in such continual growth and improvement.

Recycle, Reuse and Renew: an obsessive goal towards sustainability that is built to preserve a stunningly beautiful landscape. We are driven to sustainably address an ever-growing demand for water and other essential energy resources in an ultra-fast moving industrial landscape, minimizing wastage and loss while being conscious of our changing planet.

Protecting the Bay of Bengal is our life’s mission